BodyTalk is holistic healthcare meaning the “big picture” is taken into consideration when working with a client. It is a simple yet comprehensive system utilizing the best of all healing modalities in the world encompassing the expertise of western medicine, the 5,000 year old science of acupuncture, osteopathic and chiropractic philosophy, applied kinesiology and quantum physics.
John Veltheim, an Australian chiropractor, acupuncturist, philosopher, and author created the BodyTalk System. With 35 countries and 9 language translations, people worldwide are experiencing the power of this energy healing system.
BodyTalk is non-invasive, objective in application and works equally well with children, animals and plants.
Using neuromuscular feedback, a series of yes or no questions by the practitioner leads to imbalances of miscommunications within the body. These highlighted areas become a priority to be balanced with the rest of the body. BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the innate wisdom of the body, the whole person and the whole story.
A gentle tapping by the practitioner occurs on the head and the sternum and the naval. By tapping, the brain becomes aware of and repairs the communications needed and the new information is stored in the mind body. When the systems of the body are re-synchronized each system, cell and atom communicate with each other at optimal levels teaching the body to return to balance.
BodyTalk is used as a stand-alone system or can be integrated into any type of healthcare you may be currently receiving to increase the effectiveness of your healing.
If you are interested in learning a daily health routine that incorporates 5 powerful techniques; this revolutionary healthcare can be learned in a day and used individually as well as with family and community.

Energy healing has no limitations in time or space and you can be anywhere in the world and receive this life-changing therapy. BodyTalk is equally effective with in-person, phone or distance-proxy sessions. Find an appointment option that best fits your needs on the services page. I look forward to working with you.
Please ck out John Veltheim’s new book, The Science and Philosophy of BodyTalk.
For further information visit: www.ibaglobalhealing.com