The Emotion Code
The Emotion Code
THE EMOTION CODE Created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, renowned holistic physician and lecturer, is the simplest and most effective way to release your painful emotion baggage. He found aches and pains were more than physical symptoms alone. Dr. Nelson coined the phrase “trapped emotions” and found they existed in 90% of painful symptoms.
Loss of a Loved One
Divorce or Relationship Problems
Financial Hardships
Natural Disasters
Miscarriage or Abortion
Work and Family Stress
Physical Illness
Chronic Stress
Physical, Mental, Verbal and Sexual Abuse
Irrational Fears
And the List Goes On …

The subconscious mind is the body’s computer system. It knows exactly what you need in order to get to the root of your health issue. Asking the body what it knows through muscle testing taps into this subconscious intelligence.
A trapped emotion can be stored anywhere in the body’s tissues. This energy ball can be the size of an orange to a cantaloupe, creating a disturbance in the functioning of the body’s systems. Once the trapped emotion is identified with muscle testing (kinesiology) and all information pertaining to the trapped emotion is brought into consciousness, the emotion is ready to be released.
The practitioner’s intention and the stroke of a magnet along the governing meridian sends this magnetic energy into all the other meridians and within three strokes the trapped emotion is released, forever.
If you’ve tried everything and still have pain in your body, it might just be emotional.
This technique requires very little time and effort on your part. It’s amazingly simple and effective at the same time. Even better, it is just as effective with distance-proxy sessions. Energy healing has no limitations in time or space and you can be anywhere in the world and receive this life-changing therapy. Let me help you release your negative, trapped emotions. Go to the services page and find an appointment option that best fits your needs. I look forward to working with you.
I highly recommend reading The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
For more information: visit